
Thursday, June 9, 2016

A sailor on dry land

Thursday, 9 June 2015

One of the time/energy intensive jobs for those living in the Florida Keys is keeping the vegetation manageable.

For me, that means knocking the hedge down every now and then.  Since our neighborhood is preparing to hook up to a central sewer system, I need to run a 4" line from the house to the road.  Since the line passes through the hedge row, I trimmed the hedge down a bit to keep from destroying a huge swath when the stag it with the backhoe.

I'm also enjoying watching the mango tree produce its fruit this year!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Maintaining the homefront

Tuesday, 6 June, 2016

Sooooo, I rarely post about things other than boating, BUT, in answer to all the folks who have asked me why I'm not blogging, I'll try to go back and fill in a few blanks.

Here are my June projects so far.

1.  Big project:  replanking the dock.  Why?  This photo should show pretty well.  I was afraid to let anyone tie up to my pier, since the wood was in such disrepair.  In Monroe County, you can't just fix it.  You have to go apply for a permit, pay fees, pay more fees when you go pick up the permit, and today my "final" was signed off.  I had the "environmental" inspection yesterday.  We passed both.

Here is the old dock.

Here is the new dock.