Fri June 20th Powell Cay
We were headed from Allan-Pensacola Cay to Manjack Cay, when I saw the gorgeous beaches of Powell Cay, and we couldn't resist. Even though the southerly winds were expected to turn SW, the winds were light, and there's only slightly over a 2-3 mi fetch for winds from the S to SW.
We anchored just off the bluffs on Powell Cay, in a sand patch amidst a grass bottom. There were beaches to the northwest, and to the south.
To the left of the bluffs, looking from the anchorage, there is a trail that winds through the grass, and then up the elevation, and ends on top of the bluff. Grab a palm frond to clear the spider webs off the trail in front of you, and you'll have a more enjoyable walk!
From the top of the bluff, we had a great view of the anchorage, and stood watching tropic birds circling between our anchored boat and the bluff we were standing on. It was an interesting experience to be able to shoot down on the birds, rather than shooting up. I shot a lot of photos of pretty water, as with my point and shoot camera, very few of my photos had birds.
Doug Rudolph got some great photos of the tropicbirds however. I thought he'd imported them on my iPad, but, I can't find them!
Back down at the beach, but further to the northwest, you can see the ruins of an old dock, including a couple of pipes barely sticking up through the water. I may be wrong, but it appears to me that this was an old seawall, with enough years passed that casuarina pines are growing there now. I wish I knew the history there, because the seawall is currently way up the beach.
If you follow the natural rock formation up through the casuarina trees, you will find this plaque. "Cathy Swedenborg Loved This Island April 30, 1956-August 10-1979" I can understand why, Cathy. This is a beautiful place.

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