Yesterday I went into Compass Cay by Whaler, to see if they have internet. They did! ($10/100mb/24 hrs) I'm going to run close enough to post this in a few minutes, before my 24 hrs runs out, then will probably be out of the loop again for a couple of days.
Compass Cay charges a per person dinghy landing fee of $10. It was worth it to do once to see the nurse sharks and the bonefish. They have a pier built where the water covers it with the tide. There are a dozen or so nurse sharks that are very acclimated to people walking on the dock and petting them. As low tide, there are dozens of resident bonefish swimming within a foot of you, but they seem to disappear as the tide rises.
Tucker Rolle, originally from Black Point, is a friendly host. There is a place there for self-serve cold drinks, and I understand they cook burgers and dogs to order for lunch. One of the boaters told me that the boaters often potluck for supper.
If the MERCY had been at Compass Cay, it would have been one of the smaller vessels. The island seems well cared for, with paths and signs. There is a nice beach on the east side of the island, and sorry, I didn't take my camera.
Mercy-dog and I met Natalie and Bear, her 7 month old black lab, and walked across the island with them. Bear was glad for a playmate, and Mercy enjoyed it for awhile, and then graciously tolerated him for a little longer.
We spent much of the afternoon there, and will think about including it our future plans.
The current rips through there, around the dock area, when the tide is high enough to clear the bar on the southern end, it increases.
Today I plan to go down to Big Majors Spot where there must have been 25 boats the other day.
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