Friday May 31
This morning I figured I'd better move from the anchorage before barnacles started growing on my anchor chain. I've had a great week at Black Point, and there are still a couple more places to explore, but I'll save some of that for when Vicki and Dorothy come.
We headed south, running down the bank outside of Little Farmer's Cay, then east towards the south in of Farmer's Cay. It was a little strange that the wind was SE, and the waves were more southerly. Not that it made much difference, as they were less than a foot on the bank.
Then we turned south and worked our way past Cave Cay, and I decided that on my next time through, I'm going to take the Whaler over by some of those big caves for a closer look. I went in pretty close with the MERCY, but, I didn't want to anchor the MERCY to explore.
After I crossed Cave Cay Cut, I entered into an area I haven't been before on the inside. I went pretty close on the west side of beautiful Musha Cay, then curved around Jimmy Cay (yes, Mr. Callaway, one named for you!) and most of the way down Rudder Cut Cay.
We dropped anchor in a spot with a gorgeous view. From as I sit at the helm, typing with the wireless keyboard, I am looking at hills, rock faces, a cave/overhang big enough you can take an inflatable or jet ski inside, sandy beach, palm trees, islands to my right and left, and the open water of the bank behind me. (The tide is turning as I type, and right now I'm facing into an easterly wind from a passing squall.)
I took the Whaler to the south between the Darby's and decided that it was not a place I would take the MERCY. Not only was the water minimal going in at high tide, but, it didn't look like much when you got to the deeper harbour. There appeared to be a lot of current. The cut going through was worth the trip however. There are numerous old buildings, and rocky structures, an old wall, assorted old cement docks, a sunken boat barely sticking up at high tide, and a sign announcing Darby Research Center and a University of Miami logo.
We turned back towards the boat, and found "the Mermaid" that David Copperfield sank here. I hope to snorkel and look at it in the morning. We slowly worked our way close to the rocks, and into the coves, checking depths. I looked up and saw my sailboat friends, John and Barbara on the Full Deck, and Simpatico's crew, Scott and Heather, coming to anchor nearby. It is fun loosely traveling with friends.
John took me inside the caves with his inflatable, so I could get some photos of the hole in the top, a view I would have missed from the Whaler.
It is raining now, and I'm smiling because I don't need to get wet catching any water, my tanks are full! I've washed dive gear, clothes, shoes.... Life is good!
Anchored at N23 52.297' W076 14.405 MERCY moved 18.3 nautical miles today.
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