Wednesday May 29
This morning, Chris Parker, the weather guru announced more of the same for days to come. Considering it was blowing 30 kts this morning at 0300, I'm sure glad to be in a nice anchorage.
First thing this morning, it rained hard. I was glad for the heavy rain, because that meant I was catching water as fast as I could siphon it into the tank. My tanks are now totally topped off, after I took a hot shower (you end up getting pretty wet doing the whole water transfer in the pouring rain thing) I even have an extra bucket of fresh water on the stern, waiting to get used.
When the torrential rain ceased, and we were back to sporadic light rain, I convinced John and Barbara from the S/V Full Deck that we ought to explore down the road.
We left the gov't dock, walked to the east to King's Highway, and along King's Highway to the south. Pretty soon the paved road turned to gravel, and we took the right hand fork, to keep us pointed towards White Point. It was cool and windy, a great day to walk. We found some nickerbean trees, and got some yellow nickerbean seabeans. We walked a beach surrounded by rock cliffs on the east side. We walked up on bluffs. We looked at where the "failed marina project" was started. It was really an interesting walk. Mercy-dog and I both have sore feet.
Tomorrow or Friday, I may take the Whaler around to the beach on the west, where we can walk up and meet the road, and see how much further it goes. I don't think much further.
Tonight I went into church, and no one was there. This church said they meet when it rains. I figured everyone was late (since they started an hour late on Sunday) I opened the windows and let some of the heat out. Turned on a fan, and eventually a light. I prayed for awhile, but it turned out to be my own private chapel. About a quarter of eight, I closed up the church and went home. Oh well. I wonder what happened to the special speaker from Nassau. I remember the woman telling me that they don't have church on the family islands when it rains. I wonder how long it has to quit for?
So, I returned to the boat, propped up my sore feet, and with Mercy fast asleep beneath me, turned the a/c on while the generator charges the house bank. The a/c is drying out some of the humidity. And I will have posted a blog on the same day. Except photos, will add them tomorrow! Can't do too much at a time....
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