
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Rock Sound, Cape Eleuthera, and Davis Harbour Marina

Monday we stayed in Rock Sound. We went to the bank, the store, the beach, and a couple of blue holes. I cruised by one area that had free wifi, and posted the blog with no pictures.

Tuesday, we departed Rock Sound and went into Cape Eleuthera for fuel and gasoline. The harbor there is beautiful, and the fuel and gas were much lower than Marsh Harbour. We went into the marina office, and there were several teen-agers there from the Island School. They were all in there buying snacks. The dockmaster was friendly and accommodating.

We meandered along the wall off Eleuthera, which begins at about 60 feet and drops faster than my fathometer can even find it! My track weaves back and forth as I patrolled the wall. There is 30' of water right up next to the island at some places, though the wall is out a little further.

Our destination for the night was Davis Harbour, and the marina there. We came in, plugged in, turned on the a/c and I started laundry. Allen and Tom made pizza on Tom's boat from scratch. For those of you who have never eaten a conch-pineapple pizza, you don't know what you are missing! They made three pizzas, but only one was their Caribbean special!

A young man named Lynden approached me in the late afternoon wanting to know if I would like the boat washed down. I sort of blew him off, until I realized that I needed to put that young man to work. He had already worked a full day as a diesel mechanic, and was out scouting to pick up extra cash. It isn't often that you see a young man work "as unto the Lord," but this guy put the effort in, and did an outstanding job. He told me that he could return after work on Wednesday with his cousin to wax the superstructure, and I made arrangements with him to do it. The gelcoat is oxidizing badly, and I can see the vessels here in the harbor that he's waxed. It should be good for both of us.

This morning, Wednesday, Mercy and I walked up the road a couple of miles with Tom and Amber the dog. There is a small settlement, Waterford, and there several folks walking, as in looked like heading to work.

Allen, Tom, and I took the Whaler and ran back to the north a few miles to a couple of spectacular shallow dives. We made a dive in about 32 feet of water on some rocks that came up to about 18, and the water was crystal clear. There were lots of tropical fish, lots of squirrel fish, mangrove snapper, and one fair sized lobster.

Then we moved to a second spot (we spotted a mooring!) that had some larger rocks and coral coming up from 48' to 8.' The rock was like a mushroom, with great overhangs, and had a hollow crack in the middle that we swam up from the bottom into about 10 feet of water. There were lots of lionfish on that site.

We worked all afternoon on cleaning up the boat, defrosting the refrigerator, and the Engel, moving everything off the roof and deck so the guys could wax, and cooking dinner. I'm tired!

Tomorrow, Lord willing, we'll head to Little San Salvador for the day/night and on to Cat Island.

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