
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lee Stocking Island to Stocking Island

Sunday June 2

The winds stilled overnight, and the day was gorgeous.  John brought the Whaler to me from the nearby mooring, which delighted Mercy-dog, as that meant a trip around the corner to the sandy beach.  

We went out Adderly Cut with the tide, and turned SE towards Georgetown.  I ducked in Rat Cay Cut for a quick look around, and decided that the anchorage just west of Boysie Cay  would be a nice place to anchor in S or SE winds.  There is a sand flat providing protection, and just looked like a beautiful place.  I talked to a sailboat who had anchored there overnight, and he said there had been no surge the night before with the SE winds.

I started to go in Square Rock Cut, but there was a large swell running, even with calm winds, so I changed my mind.

We meandered behind Three Sister Rocks, and took tons of photos on the way down.  We entered Conch Cut, and came to anchor between the Chat n Chill and Black Point.  The wind is light and variable, and there have been a couple passing squalls.

I picked up Barbara and John off the Full Deck, and we did the drive by of the Egret, where she is sitting in Hurricane Hole 1.  I saw their Panga as well.  The boat looks lonely without her crew.

It has been another beautiful day.

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