
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kids in Salt Pond

Friday June 28

I decided last night that I would try to give some Salt Pond residents a good memory of me. Adults can forget you pretty quick, but you can give kids a few hours they'll remember for a long time.

I went up to the local grocery store this morning to get in touch with David, an adult I've talked to several times since I've been here, to see if he knew any kids whose parents would approve, who'd want to go "exploring" with me. He quickly rounded up two of his sons, and two other young fellows ready to set off for an adventure.

We stopped by the MERCY for long enough to round up a few flashlights, extra snorkel gear, water, and show the boys the boat. I was delighted when one boy commented that this was the cleanest boat he'd ever been on. At this point, everyone who knows me is probably laughing. I wondered how many other boats the boys have been on! I was glad the liked the MERCY.

Then four boys, one dog, and I left in search of a cave Mr. Harding from the store, and grandpa to two of the boys, had told me about. I'd had a long visit with Mr. Harding, and he gave me a lot of good information about various caves around.

In the course of four hours, before our promised return, each boy drove the Whaler, we went to a couple of different beaches, hiked a path through the woods, did a little snorkeling, and found the cave that Kevin Miller had told me about. The cave Mr. Harding had told me about had hurricane debris and cactus in the sink, and we didn't go in that one.

I told two of the boys on the Whaler, while the other two were snorkeling, that Kevin had lost a spear here last week. The words were barely out of my mouth, when one young man surfaced with the spear. On our return, we left the spear at the grocery store, where they promised to give it to his mom, who drops by in the afternoons. I know Kevin will be surprised and happy! The same kid that found the spear caught a huge land crab that he proudly took home. I have yet to eat land crab, but one day will.

We stopped by the boat on the way home, and I produced by stash of fireballs, which none of the boys had ever had. I also took some to the other boy their age who was working in the grocery store, so couldn't make the day with us. I let him play with the iPad for awhile.

Mercy was tuckered out after hiking and swimming, and trying to keep up with four boys. Come to think of it, so was I! We all had a great time.

Mr Harding from the store answered my question about the canals (see Wednesdays) The land where I explored Wednesday was Crown land, leased by the Diamond Glaze Salt Company in the 60's, and they dug the canals then. He said the salt production continued through the late 80's. He also told me where there was a fresh water spring in the area. As a young man (he's 76) he said he'd walked through that entire area. I guess he'd trapsed around a lot, and liked the idea that I liked to explore.

He also told me that during WWII, they could see lights between communicating ships at night, though they were never close enough to be seen during the day.

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