
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Still in Russell Pass

Night before last was absolutely gorgeous. The wind was almost still, and the moon bright enough to cast a twilight glow on everything, creating a perfect reflection of the bank on the water.

During the night I woike to the noise of crackling in the water. Being a SCUBA diver, I've realized before that underwater is not a quiet place, due to the crackling of shrimp, the munching of parrotfish, and the various noises so many animals make. I'd never heard the crackling so loud. I went on deck with a flashlight, and though I couldn't see anything, when I shined the light in the water, I could hear the sound increase. I wish I'd had a butterfly net (shrimper term for a net that hangs over the side of the boat in the current, and catches passing shrimp.)

The weather was wild during the day Wednesday,. During the morning there was a light breeze that increased to about 35 knots with a passing front. It rained and blew, and I worried about my cousins, Fred and Nancy, who were meeting me with their flats boat... loaded with supplies for the next couple of weeks! Within a five minute period, the winds dropped fom 30 knots to 5, becoming nice for their arrival about 5 minutes later.

They arrived early enough in the day that we unloaded the boat, put stuff away, and made a small boat run back into Everglades City before exploring a loop of passes towards the north end of Russel Pass. Then we grilled steaks, asparagus, and squash, and had a great meal with a waterfront view.

Last night I listened intently for the crescendo of noises, but sometimes you just get a special glimpse at a natures marvels that might not come along for another long time.

The weather looks great today for exploring.

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