
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Black Point airport

Saturday, July 27th

Today has certainly been an interesting day. It began by Vicki and I making our way to tie up at the government dock and walk to Black Point Airport, under a mile away. We were the first ones there, and watched as folks began gathering. A couple of private planes came in, and took a few passengers, leaving at least ten people for the little 8 seater plane that was also destined to go to Staniel to pick up more folks.

There was a lot of discussion about splitting up a party of 8 that included 4 kids, but Vicki managed to be on the plane.

Altumus, the bar owner from Little Farmers Cay got off the plane, I waved to him, got a hug, and I told him I'd give him a ride to Little Farmers. We watched Vicki's plane start to leave. As the pilot was taxi-ing out, however, he hit one of the temporary runway lights, sending it flying, and bending his left prop on a two prop plane. We watched as all the folks on the plane got out, and began pushing the plane in a circle so it could motor back towards the building.

The group all stayed around the airport as Flamingo air brought in (eventually) two small planes to take everyone out in time to make their connections in Nassau. Remember, if you are flying to the Family Islands, time and schedules mean very little. Fortunately, all the people were delivered to Nassau in time to make their connections, primarily because no one had made connections within 4 hours of the scheduled arrival time.

A private pilot dropped in and picked up Altumus, saving him from a 6 mi Whaler ride, and me from a 12! Good things come to those who wait. How I would LOVE to see this area from the air from a small plane!

When I went back to the MERCY, I texted Vicki's husband that she was on the way, and remarked that her plane out of Blackpoint had been delayed, but that she had plenty of time to make the connection. I left HER to tell him about the adventure, as I didn't want him thinking too hard about that as she flew home!

I did laundry, and made use of their wi-fi while I did! You've got to love Rockland Laundry in BlackPoint!

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