
Monday, June 10, 2013

Cave at Salt Pond, to Calabash Bay

Monday 10 June

This morning I was determined to find a cave that Pastor Jimmy had told me about. I climbed around through a lot of brambles, looking for the cave. I found a couple of caves, but none like he described.

When I met with the pastor later than morning I got clearer directions from him after I told him where I'd looked.

I moved the MERCY to the fuel dock, and topped off the diesel tanks, as well as the gas tank on the Whaler. I contemplated filling the water tank. OK, actually, I had planned to fill it ahead of time, but sort of forgot. I think it will rain before I need water.

I anchored the MERCY away from the fuel dock, and made one last, valiant attempt to find the cave, and boy am I glad I did!

The cave is spectacular! The cavern section has a ceiling 15' high, and is 100' wide in some places. Pastor Jimmy had drawn me a diagram of which turn to take, and all I can say is "Wow!" There were stalagmites, stalactites, and columns. Further back than I went, he said there is a stone they call the Altar, but, one of my lights was dimming, and I wanted a good spare to go any further. The next time I return, I'll find the stone.

Coming out, I took another turn in the cavern section, which goes over sort of under a house. As I was walking that way, I felt like Indiana Jones. Remember the movie where he steps on something that crackles, and he's on ground covered in cockroaches? Well, I stepped on something soft, and it was bat guano. When I shone the light up, there was a dome loaded with bats! They didn't like the light, and liked the infared light on the camera even less! Allen, you should have been there!

After I returned to the boat, I got underway for Calabash Bay, on the northern end of Long Island, to be ready for the good weather to cross to Rum Cay or Conception, depending upon the wind direction. I ended up bucking a current, which put me in around sunset. My friends on the Full Deck, and Simpatico are here as well as another sloop rigged sailboat, and 130' yacht, with its assorted sportfisherman, and smaller boats.

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