
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rum Cay to Calabash Anchorage, Long Island

Monday 17 June

This morning, after listening to the SSB broadcast, telling of steadily increasing winds all week, culminating in a tropical wave meandering through on Fri/Sat, I decided to depart Rum go back to the lee of Long Island. I figured that it would be too rough to take Bobby dead coral gathering on the back beaches, and didn't want to blown into the marina for a week.

I would like to spend another week exploring the waters around Rum, but the weather isn't going to allow that this week, and if I move, I can anchor in a lee, where I can still explore.

It seems like Rum has had higher winds than the neighboring islands the past few days, and the seas were 6' or so when I first stuck my nose out of the reef. As soon as I got away from the wall, however, the seas dropped to 4' or so, on the stern as I headed for Long Island. The current that had slowed me before, gave me an equal push going back.

I entered the lee of Long Island, and worked my way back into the anchorage at Calabash Bay, with its beautiful beaches, and deep great holding sand. As much as I like to explore, and visit places I haven't been, it is nice to come back to something familiar.

The other thing, is it is really nice to be on the hook again, rather than alongside a dock. Mercy dog and I both enjoyed the first day at the dock, with ready access to land, and visits with other folks.

But, being back on the hook, in an area without current means my skylights are to the wind, for a nice breeze; there aren't any bugs, no creak of docklines or docks, and the gentle motion of the boat, and the lap of waves.

There is one other boat enjoying the anchorage with me tonight, a power boat!

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