Tuesday June 4
I took Mercy to Sand Dollar Beach for a quick romp, and then headed for Georgetown to buy some fresh veggies, dump the trash, and buy gas for the Whaler.
Georgetown sort of wraps around Lake Victoria, and there is a narrow channel going under the road that you can take your dinghy into the inside, with places to tie up. Georgetown has a nice grocery store, and that nice grocery store has a nice dinghy dock! The store opened at eight, and the supply boat had come in the day before, and there were some nice veggies! I bought a couple of items, and then went across the channel, still inside Lake Victoria, to Minn's Watersports to get gas.
I returned to MERCY and was underway by 1000, headed for Thompson Bay, Long Island. The crossing was nice, and I made a broccoli/cauliflower/black olive salad while on the way over. I looked at beautiful sandy beaches in the distance on deserted islands. I'll have to check that out another day...
We came into the bay, and anchored just out from Salt Pond, where there are a lot of Bahamian boats anchored. I took the Whaler around and took some photos of some of the sailboats. I'm looking forward to seeing the Long Island Sailing Regatta on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
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